The Paparazzi Business Success Plan is HERE!
What better way to complement the beautiful jewelry that Paparazzi offers, than with a shiny new Business Accessory!  Say, “Hello,” to the Paparazzi Business Success Plan – a complete A-Z guide on how to build a strong, thriving Paparazzi business through six in-depth sections.  The program will walk you through efficient goal-setting, finding a BBA (Business Building Advocate) who will cheer you on, and tracking your parties in a way that allows you to see your progress from month-to-month.  It will help you keep track of your clientele, your future hostesses and SO MUCH MORE.
In addition to being included in ALL Starter Kits for free, the Paparazzi Business Success Plan is now available for purchase by ALL Consultants for only $19.99 (0 PV).  This includes the custom-designed binder, the entire program – complete with worksheets for a full year – and beautiful tabs to separate each section.Paparazzi Accessories