What?! A Producer with Paparazzi Accessories!!   (Although it won’t be official until the 10th) I can’t wait to get that certificate up on my wall!

I’m sitting here at 11’o clock at night. Just thankful and blessed.  It completely blows my mind that our team has reached Producer! When I started this crazy journey I never expected any of this. I was a mom looking for a way to make some extra money.  And fast forward to now. I have a team all across the country.  Tons of new Paparazzi family everywhere.  So many inspiring people all around me. Supporting me and cheering for me.

It’s been a total blast! A lot of work, but oh is it fun!  To see others achieving their own goals.  The excitement of having someone realize that they can do it too!  That it is possible. Nothing beats that.

So look out Premier Producer!